Simply Natural’s Organic Soy Sauce Series

  • Purely made with high quality ingredients 纯正、优质原料制成

Made with only 4 ingredients: high quality non-GMO soybeans and wheat organically grown in Dongbei (Northeast China), filtered water and salt without added sugar or any food additive.


  • Slow fermentation process for a period of 12 months using 140 years old traditional technique 沿用140年传承工艺酿足12个月

12-months aging process using traditional high salt-liquid state fermentation technique develops good aroma and complexity of flavour in the soy sauce. Long, slow fermentation process converts the protein of soybean and wheat starch into amino acid and simple sugar. The fermented product also contains alcohol, organic acid, ester and other compounds which contribute a different aroma and distinct mouthfeel. Meanwhile, soy sauce produced through fermentation does not contain 3-MCPD, a type of carcinogen that could be found in chemically produced soy sauce. 


*Total nitrogen and amino acid nitrogen (AAN) content of Simply Natural’s organic soy sauce are ≥1.5g/100 ml and ≥0.9g/100 ml respectively.

Minimum requirement for total nitrogen content of soy sauce according to Malaysian and Singapore Food Regulation Standards is 0.6g/100 ml. In countries like Japan or China, the grading of soy sauce is classified according to its nitrogen content. The higher the nitrogen content, the better the flavour and more premium the soy sauce is. 


  • Lower sodium content 钠含量较低

Simply Natural’s organic soy sauce contains 40-50% less sodium, deemed it a healthier option for all including kids.


  • Brand M’s Organic Soy Sauce: 9000 mg++/100ml  
  • 品牌M的有机酱油:9000毫克++ / 100毫升


  • Simply Natural’s Premium Grade Organic Soy Sauce: 5623 mg/100 ml
  • 诚兴特级有机酿造酱油:5623毫克/100毫升
  • Simply Natural’s Organic Red Yeast Soy Sauce: 4642 mg/100 ml
  • 诚兴有机红酵母酱油:4642毫克/100毫升
  • Simply Natural’s Organic Reduced Sodium Soy Sauce (coming soon!): 4867 mg/100ml
  • 诚兴有机减盐酱油(即将推出!):4867毫克/100毫升
  • Full bodied flavour 多层次的酱油风味

Simply Natural’s organic soy sauce has a well balanced salty flavour, followed by moderate umami, sweet taste with a slight tinge of bitterness and sourness. The soy sauce is also described to have the sixth flavour- Kokumi (or oleogustus) taste. Kokumi taste is the richness in flavour and naturally occurs in aged and fermented foods.

诚兴有机酱油味道丰富,不仅仅是咸味,您还能品尝到酱油的鲜味,甜味以及淡淡的苦和酸味。因酿造时间够长,您也能品尝到酱油中的第六种风味-浓香味(Kokumi)。 Kokumi被形容为一种令人愉悦的美味,与鲜味不同,Kokumi指的是入口时的口感,并能够让食物的味道持续更久,发酵时间较长的食品通常会具有这种风味。

  • Available in 3 different kinds of soy sauce 3种不同种类的优质有机酱油任您选择:

Each comes with its own unique flavour to suit different cooking method and consumers:


Premium Grade Organic Soy Sauce 特级有机酿造酱油

  • Best for dipping and cooking 最适合蘸食及烹饪

Organic Red Yeast Soy Sauce 有机红麹酱油

  • Best to complement braised dishes for natural appealing flavour and colour  颜色红亮、酱香浓郁,用于烹饪红烧菜更能增添色泽及风味
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