Soothing Carrot Soup

Rich in fibre, and packed with antioxidants, carrots are one of your body’s best friends. Their high fibre content helps regulate digestion, lower blood pressure and reduce oedema. They are replete with carotenoids which improve night version, protect against cancer and boost red blood cell production. Note that carotenoids are fat soluble, so the olive oil in the recipe here increases their bioavailability about threefold.

Ginger is a warming anti-inflammatory which adds a kick to the soup, while garlic contains sulphur compounds which have powerful antiviral and antimicrobial properties. The combination assists the elimination of toxins and parasites from the body.

Adding the orange zest and juice at the end of the cooking allows the benefit of additional vitamin C as well as enriching the flavour.

Credit: Ceri, Zenxin Master Chef

Print recipe here: Soothing Carrot Soup

Key facts:

Preparation: 6 mins

Cooking time: 24 mins

Total: 30 mins

Serves: 6-8


  • 20g Spanish organic extra virgin cold-pressed olive oil
  • 2 cloves of organic Morado garlic
  • 1 large brown organic onion
  • 1” piece organic Peruvian ginger
  • ½ tsp ground organic coriander
  • ¼ tsp ground organic cinnamon
  • A small pinch of organic red chilli supreme
  • 700g organic Thai carrots
  • 2 tbsp organic vegetable stock with Himalayan rock salt
  • ~2 litres filtered water
  • Juice and zest of 1 organic orange
  • Fresh, chopped organic coriander for garnishing
  • Freshly grated organic black pepper


  1. Wash the carrots and peel them and the onions, chop into small pieces.
  2. Measure out the olive oil into the Thermomix bowl.
  3. Peel the garlic and ginger and add to the bowl, chop briefly using speed 10.
  4. Select temp. 98°C speed 1 and start to sauté the garlic and ginger for 2 mins.
  5. Add in the spices, onions and carrots and sauté for a further 8 mins.
  6. Add water to the 2 litre mark and continue to cook for another 12 mins.
  7. Wash and chop the fresh coriander.
  8. Add vegetable stock, orange juice and zest and blend on speed 10 for 2 minutes.
  9. Garnish with fresh coriander and freshly grated black pepper and enjoy!

The ingredients!

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