Zenxin’s Organic Mother’s Day Carrot Cake

Pure maple syrup is a healthy sweetener offering a plethora of polyphenol antioxidants as well as a delicious taste. Here we have used it in combination with spices, carrots, raisins, dates and a delicate citrus ricotta cheese topping rather than traditional buttercream for a #Healthieryou.
Carrot cake is though to have originated in Mediaeval Europe where sweet carrot pudding was a favourite due to the rarity of sugar. It came into it’s own again during WWI and WWII when blockades meant that sugar again was scarce.
The American version, perhaps due to the abundance of sugar became a popular if rather sickly dessert in the 70’s. This recipe has been developed to offer the best organic ingredients with a reduced sweetness level. Try it for Mother’s Day and offer Mum a healthy treat!. Credits: Ceri, Zenxin master chef Print recipe here: Zenxin Mother’s Day Carrot Cake
  • 200g organic Thai carrot
  • 100g ‘Simply Natural’ organic raisins
  • 100g ‘Simply Natural’ organic raw walnuts
  • 100g ‘Simply Natural’ organic dates
  • 200g ‘Simply Natural’ organic all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp aluminium-free baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp ‘Simply Natural’ organic true cinnamon powder
  • ½ grated organic nutmeg
  • 100g Grass-fed organic butter
  • 200g organic maple syrup
  • zest and juice of 1 organic orange
  • 3 organic free-range eggs
  • A pinch of salt
  • 250g ricotta cheese
  • Zest of 1 organic orange
  • 3 tbsp maple syrup
  • 2 tbsp orange juice
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  1. Soak the sultanas in good brandy or orange juice overnight.
  2. Wash peel and grate the carrot.
  3. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C and line base of a spring release pan with baking paper.
  4. Butter or oil the pan to prevent the cake mixture sticking.
  5. Measure out the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon powder and grated half nutmeg and mix together.
  6. Coat the dried dates, sultanas and walnuts with the flour mixture.
  7. Add grated carrot to the flour mixture and mix thoroughly.
  8. Melt the butter and blend together with the maple syrup and orange juice.
  9. Separate whites from yolks of eggs, whisk separately. Keep whites till last.
  10. Quickly add the wet ingredients to the dry and mix thoroughly, then fold in the whites.
  11. Pour mixture into the prepared pan and place immediately into the pre-heated oven.
  12. Cook for ~60 mins or until a skewer inserted comes out clean. Cool in the tin.
  13. Grate the rind of the organic orange into the ricotta cheese and mix thoroughly.
  14. Add in the maple syrup, lemon and orange juice and blend again.
  15. When the cake has throughly cooled remove from tin and place on plate.
  16. Take the ricotta cheese mixture and coat the top of the cake, slice and serve.
The ingredients! ▼
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