Moringa Pineapple Greens

Written by: Ceri, ZENXIN Masterchef

The superfood moringa oleifera, known as the ‘Tree of Life’ in India and Nepal, is a member of the mustard family offering a wealth of minerals, vitamins and essential amino acids.

Brimming with flavonoids, isothiocyanates, polyphenols and vitamin C, moringa actively reduces oxidative stress markers and is beneficial for both Alzheimer’s and dementia. 

Its anti-inflammatory nature also improves digestive disorders while its antibacterial properties inhibit the growth of certain pathogens.  

Moringa also has the capability of bringing down levels of the stress hormone cortisol, at the same time increasing dopamine and serotonin secretions. This reduction of stress responses and increase in ‘happy hormones’, is a great benefit for those suffering from both anxiety and depression.

Kefir is milk fermented with beneficial yeasts and bacteria which are able to colonise the gut stabilizing the microbiome. Kefiran and lactobacillus kefiri have been found to inhibit growth of E. Coli, Salmonella and Helicobacter pylori. 

Organic raw acacia honey is really mild tasting yet acts as an antimicrobial agent, helping to purify the liver and easing bronchial asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Japanese choy sum further adds to the available anti-cancer isothiocyanates and  chlorophyll, increasing the detox potential of this drink. 

Pineapple makes this even more delicious, improving digestive health with both dietary fibre and anti-inflammatory bromelain. With powerful antioxidants and ‘happy hormones’, this organic smoothie is a great way to start your day! 

Key facts:

  • Preparation: 15 mins
  • Total: 15 mins
  • Serves: 2-4


  • 2 cups ZENXIN Organic Thai pineapple
  • 1 pkt ZENXIN Organic Japanese Choy Sum
  • Juice of 1 ZENXIN Organic lemon
  • 1 tbsp Simply Natural Organic moringa powder 
  • 1 tbsp  Simply Natural Organic raw acacia honey 
  • 1 cup organic kefir
  • Top up with pure filtered water


  1. Remove top, tail, core and skin of pineapple, reserving 2 cups of fruit for the smoothie
  2. Wash the Japanese sweet choy sum, remove the roots and chop into 1 inch pieces.
  3. Squeeze out the juice from the organic lemon.
  4. Add choy sum, pineapple, kefir, moringa powder and honey to the blender.
  5. Top up with filtered water to your desired consistency 
  6. Blend on the Whole Juice setting and serve immediately.

Tip: Consume immediately to receive the full benefits of this drink.

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