Simply Super Organic Broccoli Soup

Simply Super Broccoli Soup

Broccoli soup is one of the best soups to drink and improve your overall health. Not only is broccoli packed with vitamins and minerals, its fibre is effective in lowering re-circulation of bile acids which is directly related to reducing overall cholesterol which benefits the cardiovascular system. It is also rich in the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin which support eye health and prevent macular degeneration and a compound called sulforaphane protects against cancer.

Credits: Ceri, Zenxin master chef 

Print the recipe! Simply Super Broccoli Soup

Key facts

Preparation: 10 mins
Waiting time: 20 mins
Total: 30 mins
Serves: 6


  • 20g organic extra virgin cold-pressed olive oil
  • 3 cloves of organic Morado garlic
  • 2 heads of organic broccoli (600-700g)
  • 2 tbsp organic vegetable stock with Himalayan rock salt
  • 2 litres filtered water


  1. Wash and prepare the broccoli by chopping into small pieces.
  2. Measure out the olive oil into the Thermomix bowl
  3. Peel the garlic and add using the chopping speed 10.
  4. Select 20 mins on the timer and 98°C on the temperature speed 1 and start to sauté the garlic.
  5. Add the broccoli and sauté for 6 mins.
  6. Add water to the 2 litre mark and continue to cook.
  7. After the program is completed add the vegetable stock and blend on speed 10 for 2 minutes.
  8. Adjust taste and enjoy 🙂
Learn more about this recipe!

Parsnips are a great addition to your diet.  They are tap roots and grow underground in direct contact with the earth. When this is a rich, well balanced organic soil the result is they are packed full of nutrients.

Although not so well known in Aisia, these root vegetables have a very beneficial nutritional profile. They are rich in vitamin C (11% RDA), manganese (10% RDA) and folate (B9 11% RDA). Folate in particular is important for pregnant women and developing babies as well as for general cardiovascular health. Vitamins B & C cannot be stored in the body, so for a ‘HealthierYou’ use parsnips as one of the veggies to ensure a regular daily intake for overall health.

The ingredients!

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