Zenxin at the 2nd Johor Agriculture Fair 2015

Last weekend was the 2nd Johor Agriculture Fair organised by the Kluang Agriculture Society (
居銮农业公会), at the Che Luan Khor Hall in Kluang (居銮德教会). This exhibition attracted companies involved in all fields of agriculture, including horticulture, aquaculture, farming, pest control and fertiliser.

The main objective of this event was to allow information exchange among agriculturists, with the goal of increasing yield using modern, effective and professional tools and methods. Aside from the exhibitions there were talks and forums on hot topics in agriculture, for people in the business and everyone else who was interested.

Zenxin was a proud participant of the event. We had a booth to showcase our organic and organic compound fertilizers, Midori. Zenxin started making fertilizers in 2001 in order to self-supply fertilisers to oil palm plantation, and to organic fruit and vegetable cultivation subsidiaries. Using knowledge and technology from Germany and Japan we were able to produce premium quality fertilisers that are environmentally friendly. We later acquired the international organic certification NASAA (National Association for Sustainable Agriculture, Australia Limited) in 2008, and since then have been well recognised in the domestic fertiliser market in Malaysia.

At our booth we were selling a selection of our star products, including Organic Mulberry Leaf Tea, eggs from our own poultry farm, and fresh organic vegetables, all products under the Zenxin umbrella. Also available for purchase are small pots of live herbs, which can grow and allow for continuous harvest if taken care of properly.

Zenxin along with all attending companies were presented with a certificate of participation for their enthusiasm and contribution to better the agriculture industry.

Here are some moments we captured during the event!

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