ZENXIN Penang Outlet Grand Opening

Zenxin started 2016 with a bang!

10th January 2016 sees the Grand Opening of our new store in Tanjong Tokong, Penang. To celebrate the auspicious occasion, we held a 3-day Grand Opening sales from the 8th to 10th. Incredible deals, free food sampling and free gifts were offered to all customers, along with free membership sign up.

The event gained much traction and we were visited by many loyal customers, friends, and made new connections. The founder of Zenxin, Mr Tai Kok Kong, along with our Executive Director Mr Tai Sen Yee came and joined in for the fun, accompanied by their lovely families.

Since the more the merrier, we invited suppliers of different products to come and give out free food samples. The friendly suppliers also lent a helping hand to our staff when things got busy in the store.

On the day of the Grand Opening, we served up a delicious, all vegan meal for everyone. The food was prepared by the talented chefs at Sushi Kitchen and Lily’s Vegetarian Restaurant, using Zenxin’s own organic vegetables and Red Rice Vermicelli from our Simply Natural range. The thought behind this delightful meal was to showcase the versatility and endless possibilities of cooking with organic ingredients, and to let everyone taste the goodness of organic food. Most importantly, we wanted to raise awareness for a healthier diet, by showing them first-hand that healthy food can taste amazing too!

We had a simple ribbon cutting ceremony at 11.30am on the 10th to inaugurate the official opening of our Zenxin Penang Outlet, with the Tai family doing the honours.

The day ended on a happy note, and everyone left with a big smiles. Zenxin wishes to extend our sincere thanks to Juice Me, MHP Miracle Sdn. Bhd., Vanxin Engineering Sdn. Bhd., Kean Leong Poultry Trading Sdn. Bhd., IR Renovation, Kushalinii Bean House, Mr Chai Yong Kang, and Safe Factor Sdn. Bhd. for the beautiful flower bouquets, and Sushi Kitchen (Georgetown Branch) for the yummy sushi. Hope to see you in our stores soon!

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