Organic Jumbo Kiku Apple 2pcs


Origin: USA
Status: Organic
Certification: USDA/NASAA
Highlights: The Kiku apple was discovered by an Italian apple grower as a ‘sport’ growing on a Fuji apple tree in Japan. He bought the rights and began growing them successfully in Italy where they became very popular. The apple grows well in warm climates and is now grown in Washington State, Chile and New Zealand.

They are known for their sweetness of 16-17% on the Brix scale, where most apples are around 12-14%. They are crisp and juicy, like the parent Fuji apple, but are usually larger, growing up to 9cm in diameter.

Like other apples they are packed with valuable phytonutrients and beneficial fibre helping protect against cancer, diabetes type-2 and cardiovascular problems.

Enjoy them fresh, paired with cheese or in pies and tarts. They are a late season apple that keep well in the crisper drawer in the refrigerator.

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