The theme for this year 2018 is Zen Cooking, bringing mindfulness to eating and food preparation. Zen Cooking will offer simple balanced dishes from pure organic ingredients that nourish the zhang fu.
This year, especially for those who have asked for classes during the week, we will have informative seminars on Tuesday afternoons and a series of Zen Cooking workshops on Thursday afternoons in Zenxin Retail Shop. The seminars and workshops will include information on organic ingredients and principles and also address balancing a vegetarian/vegan diet, an overview of macrobiotic principles and the use of spices and herbs.
The current Singapore Lifestyle involves a fast paced urban momentum underpinned with fast food. This results are an imbalanced diet with a high percentage of heavily processed and fried food impairing bodily functions.
The aim is that by bringing more awareness through this sharing we can encourage a lifestyle change towards living in the moment and making wise choices to feed our bodies healthy and simple dishes made from clean organic ingredients.
Seminars will start on Tuesdays @ 2:00 with the following format. 1hr Talk, ½ hr Demo 3 items (Recipes and sampling included) $80.00 flat rate (no EB.)
Workshops will start on Thursdays @ 2:00pm with the following format. Talk/Demo/Recipe/Tastings (Recipes and sampling included) $120.00 normal price.
A 10% Early Bird Discount is available for the workshops if you register and pay 3 weeks before the class. (Cost fee after discount $108.00.)
Kee Yew is a pioneer for healthy vegetarian nutrition and will create dishes using Zenxin Organic produce and products from Zenxin’s ‘Simply Natural’ range. For more information on Kee Yew please check here:
Venue: Zenxin Retail Shop, Unit #1-25, Blk 14, Wholesale Centre, Singapore 110014
Language: English & Mandarin
To register: Please email [email protected] or call 6779 7839 or text 9633 4524 now!