Organic Salad Rose Potato Australia 1kg


Origin: Tasmania (Australia)
Status: Organic
Certification: ACO
Highlights: New in, Tasmanian Salad Rose Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) 馬鈴薯 Mǎ líng shǔ!

This beautiful rosy skinned yellow fleshed potato is perfect for a creamy potato salad. It is quite versatile and may be steamed, boiled and mashed, making an interesting addition to soups and stews as it doesn’t break apart once cooked.

Like all potatoes these too are rich in fibre, vitamins, mineral and antioxidants. Interestingly the fibre is partly in the form of resistant starch which is not fully absorbed in the gut, but supplies the beneficial bacteria there with essential nutrients. Resistant starch reduces insulin resistance and improves blood sugar balance. To increase the resistant starch content cook the potatoes and store overnight in the fridge. Then eat cold as in potato salad. In this way potatoes may even be part of a weight loss diet!

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