Organic Kestrel Potato 500g Australia


Origin: Australia
Status: Organic
Certification: NASAA
Highlights: Kestrel potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) 土豆 Tǔ dòu, are a relatively new breed of potatoes known for unique purple highlights around their shallow eyes. Potatoes have been grown and bred in Scotland since the 18th century and the Royal Horticultural and Agricultural Society of Scotland has became a pioneer in potato breeding. Kestrel is a Cara cross first made in 1992 by Dr. Jack Dunnet and due to its versatility and flavour is now a popular favourite in the UK, Australia and New Zealand.

Like all potatoes, Kestrel potatoes are a good source of dietary fibre, vitamin C, vitamins B1 thiamin, B3 niacin, B6 pyridoxine and B9 folate, iron and potassium, but that purple colouring means they contain additional anthocyanin. They keep best stored in a cool, dark place.

They have a smooth texture and creamy consistency when used for mashed potatoes and are supposedly the best potatoes to use for gnocchi as their rich buttery flavour is ideal. They make good chips, French fries, bratkartoffeln and roast potatoes, but are not so well-suited for potato salad.

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